Good Karma Effect

In late 2022 we reached out to all members across the 35 Good Karma Networks around Australia to find out more about their experience with their local Good Karma Network. 

Key Findings


  • 87% rated their GKN as very helpful in solving problems
  • 91% believe their GKN has driven positive outcomes for their community
  • 63% visit their GKN daily, 26% weekly
  • 64% feel more inspired to make a difference in their community

Belonging & trust

  • 87% believe their GKN has increased their sense of belonging to their community.
  • 75% believe their GKN has increased their connections & trust in the community.
  • 67% agree they have become more aware of the diversity of people in their GKN.

Asking for help

  • 67% believe that their GKN has empowered them to ask for help and assistance.
  • The main activities people found most beneficial on their GKN include:
  • 81% – recycling/giving or receiving free items
  • 50% – sharing information and advice

What sets GKNs apart from other online communities?

Respondents reflected and believe that the key differences were:

  1. GKNs offer a clear purpose as a place to ask for help;
  2. A lack of negativity;
  3. Clear guidelines for members to create a positive space and;
  4. Effective moderation from admins.

How does being a member of your Good Karma Network make you feel?

Connected – It’s like the new ‘hanging over the back fence for a chat’.
Reassured – I live in a neighbourhood where I feel people offer honest responses and can be trusted.
Local – Good way to see what is happening in the community; connected to very local news
Fortunate – I love living in a community where people treat each other like neighbours in the true sense of the word. People want to help each other and make the community a safe and supportive place for all.
Helped – I find immediate responses to my questions by caring people.
Welcoming – Fabulous for the community particularly with tough times during covid lock down. You realise how many decent souls there are out there!!
Positive – It shows people care, whereas other community groups on social media can be quite negative and cynical.
Involved/Useful – I am 85 and disabled so finding a way to continue to be useful in important and I am useful because I follow up on the GKN.
Happy – It’s inspiring seeing others donate items. I am working my way up to doing that….sorting at home and at my Mums, who has gone into aged care. I like the idea of ‘recycling’ ownership/sharing.
Awesome – A lot of satisfaction seeing people giving things away. I am a big believer in someone’s junk is someone else’s treasure. And it also helps other people.
Involved – I live on my own I am in my mid seventies and I feel part of a community.
Perspective – I see this platform gathers the many individuals perspective thoughts, needs, senses, emotions, reasonings.

The Good Karma Effect would like to thank all of the guardians/admins who continue to provide a positive environment for their members to thrive, and to all members who took the time to complete the survey.

Conducted by: Good Karma Effect in partnership with Orima Research (In-kind)
Sent out: September / October 2022
Total Good Karma Networks (GKNs) surveyed: 35
Number of respondents: 1270
Previous survey: Completed in 2019

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