Good Karma Effect

Amy Churchouse founded the Good Karma Effect in 2018 of to support the number of Good Karma Networks emerging and growing. 

Amy grew up in Wellington, New Zealand. With an outgoing personality and lots of interests, she has explored many different roles and industries. By 30 she had obtained a Sport Science and Psychology degree, been a fitness instructor, a student politician, a sales consultant, a national level rugby player, a zookeeper, a step-mum, an English (ESL) teacher, a house owner, a sales training manager, an international tour guide and a business owner.

At 31, Amy followed her childhood dream of becoming a vet, via Massey University Veterinary School (NZ), before moving to Australia. During her first two years as a new graduate, she saw firsthand some of the challenges that affect the mental health of vets, and contribute to the high suicide rate in the industry. 

“When I started out, I encountered some major challenges in my life, that were then compounded by some smaller problems. Being a natural problem solver, I wanted to ease the burdens of everyday life by making people’s lives just a little more positive. The puzzle was how to make things better when it seemed the odds were stacked against me: with minimal resources, little time, a high-stress job and few connections.

I decided I wanted to try and make a positive difference. I wanted to help people, so I asked myself “What can I do with what I have to make things better?” and then I took action.”

In April of 2016 Amy started the KGKN as a Facebook group with the clear purpose to be a safe online place where people could ask for help from their neighbours. 

“I wanted people to share their knowledge, experience, skills and resources to help with finding solutions to each other’s challenges. In doing this I brought a little light into my life. At the same time, we began shining a little light into other people’s lives as well.

Since then I have, as the volunteer CEO of the GKE, continued to explore the Potential of Human Connection for optimising everyone’s experience and amplifying our impact.

Every day I am reminded of the power of collaboration and diversity for solving problems. I have been surprised and delighted by the incredible organic growth of the initiative that has been inspired by the amazing generosity, compassion and positive contributions of our members.”

Amy now works as a personal solution designer, empowerment specialist and connection coach working with people to build confidence and connections that enable them to facilitate more positive outcomes in their lives and ecosystems. Contact Amy at Doing Things Differently to find out more.