Good Karma Effect

It’s hard to imagine what skateboards and PPE in a global pandemic could have in common, but if we’ve learnt nothing about Good Karma Networks, it’s all about connection. Curtis de la Harpe tells us about his experience in the Brunswick Good Karma Network.

“I was at a crossroads in my life and not in a good space. I decided that I needed to create things to make a positive change in my life. So, I decided to post to the BGKN asking if anyone had old woodworking tools that could help get me started.

Lots of people reached out with tools, wood, and advice. When I decided to make a desk out of recycled skateboards, members donated stacks. When mum’s medical practice ran out of PPE during the COVID pandemic, BGKN sewed medical gowns for them. The help from BGKN for PPE for mums’ practice was the most amazing thing ever. Many of her patients are in the BGKN and they were more than happy to give back.

For Curtis, the Brunswick Good Karma Network means “Community. The BGKN really feels like a community that looks out for one another.

Because no one can through life alone. BGKN gives people a community to reach out to when they need it.

As a result of reaching out on the Good Karma Network, I’m now working for a woodworking company and also in a much healthier head space”.

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