Good Karma Effect

It was Christmas Eve 2018. Tracey Habron was alone.

Through the Kensington Good Karma Network , which she’d heard about from a work colleague, Tracey posted on the Kensington Good Karma Network saying that any one in the same boat should wander over to the nearby Women’s Peace Garden for a drink and nibbles.

“People bought food and drink and we were there till almost midnight,” says Tracey. “It was so much fun”

“The GKN is a safe and supported space where even if you are on your own, the members of the network will be there to step in if you need something.”

She says that her GKN is very community-minded, and it’s not obligatory to give. That doesn’t mean that Tracey hasn’t enjoyed helping others. In fact when she downsized her home, the GKN was there once again.

“Other members of the network took many of my much-loved possessions off my hands and gave them a new and loving home,” says Tracey.

“I love getting to read other peoples requests on the GKN and seeing if I can be the one to help.

“The GKN gives out a karmic energy and keeps it circulating. One day you may need to be the receiver of some of this energy.”

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